SEM Scanner

sem scanner
SEM Scanner

Provizio® SEM Scanner supports clinicians to identify specific anatomical areas at increased risk of pressure injury/ulcer (PI/U) development on admission and five days* earlier than visual skin assessment1 regardless of skin tone2

sem scanner

Deliver objective and anatomically-specific pressure injury risk assessment, ensuring a 5-day*¹ window of opportunity to deploy a targeted and tailored pressure injury (PI) prevention strategy that helps minimise pressure injury incidence and reduce overall cost and time to care.

Provizio® SEM Scanner supports clinicians to identify increased risk of pressure injury on specific anatomical areas 5 days*¹ earlier than visual skin assessment, regardless of skin tone².

It provides an adjunct to existing care pathways in pressure injury prevention such as Visual Skin and Tissue Assessment, and enables timely and anatomically-specific assessments allowing for targeted interventions. When used with the Gateway Dashboard (optional), you can also seamlessly track PI data, digitally enhancing your PI care pathway and outcomes.

The Provizio SEM Scanner has a separately supplied single-use, non-sterile sensor for single patient use.

sem scanner pakistan

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